The partnership with Nobina is valuable and important
Together we make a difference. Nobina's support contributes to more children being able to have a Special Day that gives extra strength and happiness in a tough everyday life. My Special Day’s Secretary-General Jennifer McShane describes what Nobina's support has meant.
− Our long-term partnership with Nobina is valuable and important on many levels, says Jennifer. Firstly, Nobina contributes in a very practical way by helping us transport our children to their Special Days. In this way, you play a direct role in the child's experience and thereby spread important joy and strength to all the children who travel with you. Your support also means that we can create more Special Days for children with serious illnesses and diagnoses, among other things by being able to save transport costs and instead use that money to create new Special Days for more children in need.
At Nobina, we are happy to be able to contribute, something that is possible only through the several thousand talented and committed employees around the country. The bus driver Fredrik in Norrtälje drove the bus that took a group of children out to a horse-riding camp in Rimbo in September, and greatly appreciated being able to participate and contribute to the children's Special Day.
− For me, it was an honor to drive, says Fredrik.

Secretary-General Jennifer continues:
− The existing burden on children with serious illnesses and diagnoses has been further strained by the pandemic. The corona virus has eroded the already drained energy of our young champions. Last year, over 6,600 children had a Special Day. Never before have so many received our support. And never before have we seen a greater, more urgent need in our target group, not least through the applications that flow in from children and parents. You have contributed to us being able to intensify our work to fulfill the wishes of even more children.
− One example of the many thousands of days we have created with your help so far is Ludwig's wonderful weekend with friends where you enabled his first trip away from home in a very long time. Both Ludwig and his mother felt so well cared for in every way. It means a lot that our children can receive this from you, Jennifer concludes.